The Japanese translation of "I Remember Everything" by Zach Bryan & Kacey Musgraves captures the raw emotion and nostalgia of the original song, highlighting the bittersweet memories and lingering pain of a lost love.
Verse 1: Zach Bryan
- "安物のウイスキーが俺の心を癒してくれる" (Cheap whiskey soothes my heart) - This line emphasizes the narrator's attempt to numb his pain through alcohol, a common coping mechanism for heartbreak. The use of "安物" (cheap) further reflects the desperation of his situation.
- "ビーチタオルが物干し竿で揺れている" (Beach towels are swaying on the clothesline) - This image evokes a sense of normalcy and routine, juxtaposed against the narrator's emotional turmoil. It also subtly suggests the passing of time, a theme throughout the song.
- "俺が君に88年型フォードに乗った君の父さんを思い出させるかい?" (Do I remind you of your father, the one who drove the '88 Ford?) - This line reveals a connection between the narrator and the woman's past, suggesting a shared history and perhaps a resemblance to her father. It also hints at the woman's emotional baggage and her struggles to move on.
- "助手席ではラブラドールがくつろいでいる" (The Labrador is relaxing in the passenger seat) - This detail adds a layer of domesticity and normalcy to the scene, creating a contrast with the brokenness of the relationship.
- "君の髪についた砂が俺の目に入ってきて" (The sand from your hair is getting in my eyes) - This line conveys the physical sensation of the narrator's memories, blurring the lines between the past and present.
- "ビーチのせいにしてくれ 大の男は泣かない" (Blame it on the beach, big men don't cry) - This line shows the narrator's struggle with masculinity and his reluctance to show vulnerability.
Chorus: Zach Bryan
- "閉店時間の冷え切った態度" (The cold demeanor of closing time) - This imagery portrays the relationship's ending as a sudden and harsh reality.
- "君は俺に日が昇るまで一緒に居てほしいと懇願したのに" (You begged me to stay with you until sunrise) - This line reveals the woman's desperate plea for the relationship to continue, highlighting the disparity between their desires.
- "おかしな言葉が口から零れる" (Strange words slip from my mouth) - This phrase suggests the narrator's confusion and inability to express his true feelings.
- "大人の男の心が壊れたときは" (When an adult man's heart breaks) - This line further emphasizes the narrator's vulnerability and pain, defying traditional notions of masculinity.
- "写真と過ぎ去った時間" (Photographs and the passing time) - This line signifies the fleeting nature of memories and the bittersweet nostalgia associated with the lost relationship.
- "君は飲んでるときだけそんな風に笑うんだ" (You only smile like that when you're drunk) - This line points to the woman's emotional detachment and the superficiality of their relationship.
- "したくないけど、そうしてしまうよ" (I don't want to, but I can't help it) - This line expresses the narrator's involuntary descent into memories, unable to escape the past.
- "君と過ごした夜の、一瞬一秒を思い出す" (I remember every moment of the nights we spent together) - This final line emphasizes the enduring impact of the relationship and the narrator's inability to forget the woman he loved.
Verse 2: Kacey Musgraves
- "あなたは心を癒すためなら何でも飲む" (You'll drink anything to soothe your heart) - This line reiterates the narrator's reliance on alcohol as a coping mechanism, but also suggests a deeper lack of healing.
- "でも私の心はいつになったら癒してくれるの?" (But when will you heal my heart?) - This question highlights the woman's emotional pain and her yearning for closure.
- "あなたといると、まるで夏の暑さに熱せられたコンクリートの上を歩いてるようで" (Being with you is like walking on concrete heated by summer sun) - This imagery conveys the scorching intensity and painful nature of their relationship.
- "二人の魂が出会うとき、それは地獄のように燃え上がる" (When our souls meet, it burns like hell) - This line emphasizes the destructive power of their love, which ultimately consumed them.
- "あなたはあなたがいつも誓っていたような男にはなれないわ" (You can't be the man you always promised you'd be) - This statement expresses the woman's disillusionment with the narrator, recognizing his inability to live up to her expectations.
- "でも、あの88年型フォードで歌うあなたのことを忘れない" (But I won't forget you singing in that '88 Ford) - This line reveals a lingering fondness for the narrator despite the pain, suggesting that some part of her still cherishes the past.
Chorus: Kacey Musgraves, Zach Bryan
- The chorus is repeated with both Zach Bryan and Kacey Musgraves singing, emphasizing the shared pain and the lingering impact of their relationship.
Outro: Zach Bryan
- The outro returns to the image of cheap whiskey and the beach, signifying the narrator's ongoing struggle to cope with his emotional scars and the persistent memories that haunt him.
Overall, the Japanese translation effectively conveys the raw emotion and heartache of the song. The use of evocative imagery and relatable language allows the listeners to connect with the characters' pain and understand the complex dynamics of their relationship.