
Black Summer

Red Hot Chili Peppers

Verse 1:

  • "A lazy rain am I, the skies refuse to cry": The verse opens with a personification of the rain as being lazy, despite the fact that the skies are refusing to cry (i.e., there is no rain). This could be a metaphor for a lack of emotional expression or the suppression of emotions.
  • "Cremation takes its piece of your supply": This line suggests that something is consuming or destroying the person's energy or resources.
  • "The night is dressed like noon, a sailor spoke too soon": The night is acting like it is day, and a sailor has spoken prematurely, possibly leading to a dangerous situation.
  • "China's on the dark side of the moon": This line could be a reference to the Cold War and the perceived threat of nuclear war from China. Alternatively, it could be a metaphorical representation of a hidden or unexpected danger.

Verse 2:

  • "Platypus are a few, the secret life of Roo": Platypuses are unusual and mysterious animals, and this line could suggest that there is more to life than what is immediately apparent.
  • "A personality I never knew": The person has discovered a new side to someone they know, suggesting the potential for growth and change.
  • "My Greta weighs a ton, the archers on the run": This line may allude to the climate crisis and the need for action. Greta Thunberg is a climate activist, and "archers on the run" could symbolize the need to take immediate steps to address the issue.
  • "No one stands alone behind the sun": This line suggests that even in the darkest of times, there is always hope and that we are not alone.


  • "It's been a long time since I made a new friend / Waitin' on another black summer to end": The chorus expresses a sense of loneliness and longing for a brighter future. Black summers could symbolize periods of hardship or darkness.


  • "Crack the flaming whip, a-sailin' on a censorship / Riding on a headless horse to make the trip": This imagery suggests that the person is breaking free from constraints or censorship and embarking on a perilous journey.


  • "I've been waitin', I've been waitin' / Waitin' on another black summer to end": The outro reiterates the theme of waiting for a better future, with the hope that the current period of darkness will eventually end.

Overall, the lyrics of "Black Summer" convey a sense of longing, resilience, and hope amidst adversity. The imagery of natural disasters, climate change, and political struggles suggests that the band is reflecting on the challenges facing the world and the human spirit.

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