Þú sefur alveg til hádegis
- Represents waking up to a new perspective or understanding.
- "Hádegis" symbolizes the peak or height of something.
- The speaker has been asleep or inactive and is now stirring from slumber.
Þú deyrð en lifnar við
- Metaphor for a transformative experience or rebirth.
- Dying represents letting go of the past or old self.
- Being reborn signifies renewal and fresh beginnings.
Laufblöðin breyta um lit
- Nature imagery representing change and transformation.
- Leaves changing color symbolizes the passing of time and the cycle of life.
- It also suggests adaptation and resilience.
Þú finnur til, ferð á fætur
- The speaker is now awakened and active.
- "Færð á fætur" translates to "getting on one's feet," implying a newfound sense of purpose or direction.
Íklæddur regnkápu
- A raincoat protects from the elements.
- In this context, it may represent protection from adversity or challenges.
Þú heldur út í skammdegið
- Refers to the short days of winter.
- It conveys a sense of perseverance and endurance in the face of darkness or difficulty.
Þú rífur úr hjartarætur
- The speaker is tearing roots out of their heart.
- This suggests releasing painful attachments or emotional burdens.
Sem þú treður á
- The roots are being crushed underfoot.
- This symbolizes a process of overcoming obstacles or freeing oneself from negative influences.
Með hendur í vösum
- The speaker has their hands in their pockets.
- This can imply a sense of detachment or a desire to keep their feelings hidden.
Með nóg kominn
- The speaker has had enough.
- This suggests a point of breaking or a realization that a change is necessary.
Í votu grasinu geng
- Walking in wet grass symbolizes a journey through adversity or discomfort.
- It represents a willingness to face challenges and emerge stronger.
Þangað til
- Until.
- This suggests a sense of anticipation or a goal that is being approached.
Það skín á mig í gegnum trjágreinar
- Light shining through tree branches symbolizes hope or a moment of enlightenment.
- It suggests that the speaker is experiencing a turning point or a spark of inspiration.
Lít upp og lifna við
- Looking up and coming alive.
- This represents a moment of realization or awakening.
Laufblöðin breyta um lit
- The leaves changing color again symbolizes transformation and renewal.
- It suggests that the speaker is seeing the world in a new light.
Við finnum yl, festum rætur
- We find shelter, put down roots.
- This represents a sense of belonging or stability.
Afklæðum og hjörtum
- We undress with our hearts.
- This implies vulnerability and a willingness to open up and connect.
Við höldum út í góðan dag
- We endure the good day.
- This suggests perseverance and a commitment to the path ahead.
Gróðursetjum og gefum líf
- We sow and give life.
- This symbolizes creativity, nurture, and a desire to make a positive impact.
Og við springum út
- And we sprout.
- This represents growth, renewal, and the emergence of something new.
Með hendur úr vösum
- Hands out of pockets.
- This suggests a sense of freedom, openness, and readiness to embrace the future.
Í mold róta
- In the earth we take root.
- This represents a connection to nature and a sense of grounding.
Núna fjarlægjum við
- Now we remove.
- This suggests letting go of negative thoughts or influences.
Hugsum ljóta
- We think vile thoughts.
- This represents the recognition and rejection of negativity.
Tíminn lagar allt, gefur líf
- Time heals all, gives life.
- This expresses a sense of hope and the belief that change is possible.
Kyndir upp bál
- We light a fire.
- Fire symbolizes warmth, renewal, and transformation.
Logar sálar
- Flames of the soul.
- This suggests the burning passion and purpose within the speaker.
Ekki lengur kalt, hef aftur líf
- No longer cold, I have life again.
- This conveys a sense of warmth, vitality, and rebirth.
Lifnar mín sál
- My soul comes alive.
- This suggests a profound spiritual experience or a reconnection to one's true self.
Heiminn mála
- Paint the world.
- This is a metaphor for creating, shaping, and transforming the world around oneself.